But the bending moment at the central hinge must vanish. 但在中间铰处,弯矩必定为零。
The calculate method of deflection and bending moment of cast-in-situ concrete hollowed flat plate 现浇混凝土空心板无梁楼盖的挠度和弯矩计算方法
Reformation of teaching method on absolute maximum bending moment of simply supported beam 简支梁绝对最大弯矩计算方法的教学改革
Based on equivalent bending moment method, section curvature induced by shrinkage and creep is analyzed. 在此基础上,考察了混凝土受弯构件挠度计算中的有效惯性矩法和曲率法。
The beams are designed with respect to the bending moment. The damp has started the timbers. 梁是按照弯矩设计的。潮湿已使梁木弯翘了。
Results from model test show that the bending moment and deflection of the piles increase with the increase of lateral soil movements or the increase of the axial loads. 试验结果表明,桩顶轴向荷载和土体侧移的耦合作用使得桩身弯矩和位移均相应的增大;
The maximum lateral displacement and bending moment can be effectively decreased by improving the mechanical properties of the soil surrounding the pile. 桩的最大位移和最大弯矩随桩周土的物理力学性质的改善而明显减小;
Fulcrum of System Yields to a Bending Moment, Thus Spring Effect. 系统内的一个支点产生一个弯矩效果,等效于弹簧效果。
Relatively comprehensive test study on the strength capacity of the reinforced concrete beam under bending moment, shear force and axial tensile force was carried out. 对弯、剪、轴拉复合受力状态下钢筋混凝土梁的承载能力进行试验研究。
On the rail chair, positive bending moment fatigue, 2 millions load conversions on one sleeper. 在轨座上,正弯矩疲劳度测试,一个枕木对应两百万载荷的转换量。
The bending moment of piles wore calculated before and after embankment construction. 根据测试结果求出了基桩在台后填土前后基桩的弯矩。
Bending moments produced by lift generally have only a small effect on the resultant bending moment. 一般由升力所产生的弯矩对最终的弯矩只有很小的影响。
The Study on In-Plane Equivalent Bending Moment Coefficient of Tapered Portal-Frame-Column without Brace 楔紧用楔形部件使密接无侧移楔形变截面门式刚架柱平面内等效弯矩系数研究
The concept of double-web planar trusses is proposed based on the bending moment distribution of Vierendeel trusses. 基于空腹桁架的弯矩分布规律,提出了双竖腹杆空腹桁架的概念。
The maximum lateral displacement decreases when the pile stiffness increases, while the maximum bending moment is hardly influenced by the pile stiffness. 最大位移随桩的抗弯刚度的增加而减小,而最大弯矩受抗弯刚度的影响很小;
At the sleeper center, negative bending moment static test, on3 sleepers. 在枕木中心,负弯矩静态试验,共3个枕木。
The pile head condition plays an important role in the distributions of the displacement and the bending moment along the pile shaft. 桩顶的约束条件对位移和弯矩沿桩身的分布影响很大;
The beams are designed with respect to the bending moment. 梁是按照弯矩设计的。
Study of plastic limit load of the combined fittings of double elbows under in-plane bending moment 海底管线与平台立管侧弯联接法面内弯矩下双弯头组合管件的极限载荷研究
The results indicate that considering shear wall rigidity can significantly reduce the differential settlement and the bending moment of raft for high-rise buildings. 结果表明,上部为剪力墙结构的高层建筑,考虑上部结构刚度作用可显著减小筏板的差异沉降和弯矩。
Put the wheel hub on a turning device, make it whirl on the strength of one constant bending moment, make hub bear a whirling bending moment constantly. 将轮毂置于一旋转的装置上,使其可在一恒定不变的弯矩作用下旋转,使轮毂始终承受一个旋转弯曲力矩的作用。
On the influence of the bending moment waveform disturbance on the pure bending beam flexion 弯矩波形扰动对纯弯梁弯扭屈曲的影响
The calculation of ledger maximum bending moment and deformation the even load of scaffold board and live loads above the ledger. 按照大横杆上面的脚手板和活荷载作为均布荷载计算大横杆的最大弯矩和变形。
An equation to calculate concrete diaphragm walls bending moment is deduced based on the crack control limit value. 推导了由裂缝控制限值反算地下连续墙弯矩的计算方法。
This increases both the rigid body rotation of the vehicle and the bending moment. 这既增加了飞行器的刚体转动,也增加了弯矩。
Torque and Bending Moment in a Shaft with Combined Deformation Measured by Resistance Strain Gauge Method 电阻应变计法测量组合变形轴的扭矩和弯矩
Mechanics performance about axial force, bending moment and section stress of ISFSL being influenced by rise-span ratio and rise-span ratio was fully analyzed by using ANSYS finite element program. 选用ANSYS有限元程序,通过理论分析详细的研究垂跨比和矢跨比对结构轴力、弯矩和应力的影响特点;